The House Lexikohn kohntinues with „S“. Well there is quite all happening with „S“ for sure. It stands for Sabrynaah Pope (RiP), of course Sade (i leave you with a house mix this time), Scan 7, Schmoov!, Scott Grooves, Secret Cinema, Seven Grand Housing Authority, Shakedown, Shazz, Silicone Soul, Slam, Slave, Sluts’n’Strings And 909 and many others. „S“ also stands for Soul II Soul, SNAP!, Soft House Company, Soha, Sandy Rivera, South Street Player, Speedy J, Spiller, Splice Of Life, Soulstice, Swirl People, St Germain and Stevie Wonder. Certainly „S“ stands for the one and only Sven Väth, for whom i have respect since i first heard him play, when i was 15 years old. I was too young to drive with my older friends from cologne to the Omen, but i heard him play in places like the Yokoto, Warehouse (incl. Autoscooter) and in 1995 i played several times at afterhours together with him, in the Roonburg 🙂 in Cologne.
Check out their tunes in the Spotify and Youtube playlists!
(new tunes are at the bottom of the lists…)
„T“ is coming up next week!