Even the dancemusic dons here at Clubstar can´t dance 24/7. To get the right balance in between we are also enjoying the beauty of downtempo music. To brighten up your first days of spring, as well as the summer days on the beach, your yoga lessons, or simply the quality bedtime at home we are bringing you now the second edition of the double compilation called Passion Lounge. CD1 should bring you spring fever and starts with JEN meets Can7´s “Temptation & Seduction“, followed by Blackfish´s “Delta” and Clelia Felix “Alyways in my mind”. One relaxing pearl follows the other. Deela Feat. Inga Lühning are on this silver disc as well as well known lounge producers like Jens Buchert, Kaled DJ from Venice, Gauzz and Iëlo. The vibe of the summer is brought to you by acts like Casa del Sol and Dubdiver and at the end of disc one we even spoil you with sexy rhythm & blues by Haldo from Rome and the deephouse gods from Rurals. CD 2 is adressing to the summer vibe and starts with „Metropolitan“ from Newton. Then the musical journey goes to brazil with the anthem „Doriva“ by The Ipanemas, the breathtaking remake of the Police classic „Roxanne“, „Samba Sol“ by Janice and „Alua“ by Merge of Equals. Afterwards Atrium is praising the beach and also Casa del Sol reflect their love for the ocean in their music. The Café del Mar classic „The Love Dance” is on board in a new Bigsur remix and also Sine´s „Slowjam“, „La Musica Sei Tu“ and Eddie Silverton deliver relaxed beach entertainment. At the end of disc two we let the 4 to the Floor beat rule, with the passionate „Inspire Me“ by Desney Bailey and “River” by Tourist. The name of the Sunlightsquare song has a message of course and is addressing to the feeling you should have after listening to both cds. The double compilation is compiled & smoothly mixed by Clubstar A&R Henri Kohn.
Enjoy the music and let it touch you !