Category: LexikohnTag: , , , , ,

I wasn´t sure if I should write a book, or just a blog, or wait until the movie is about to be filmed.

25 years ago, in September 1993, by the age of 17, I had my first DJ gig in a club.

Around the turn of the millennium I had an internet TV show called „Silver Suite TV“ on the webpage of the „Popkomm“ music fair. In the show was a category called: „Henri´s House Lexikohn – Wissen ist Macht“. For the next half year I will present
„Henri Kohn´s 25th DJ Anniversary House Lexikohn“ weekly now.

As expected it starts with „A“.

„A“ has got to stand for Acid. I´ve started clubbing in 1991 and suddenly felt like the machines were talking to me. The sounds of Roland´s little „303“ silver box instantly caught my earwaves.

Of course i could name countless Acid acts, which even start with „A“, but i will go for Armando (R.i.P.).
My favorite track from him is „Confusion’s Revenge“.

„B“ is coming up next week….